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Council marks 41st anniversary of Summerland disaster

Monday, 04 August 2014 14:16

On Saturday August 2nd 2014, to mark the 41st anniversary of the Summerland fire disaster, the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Jon Joughin, on behalf of Douglas Borough Council, laid a wreath at the memorial in the Kaye Memorial Garden on Queen's Promenade, where he was joined by members of the Council and the general public.


JoughinCarryingWreath DSC2773MediumIn a short speech he said: 'Even now, the tragic events of that evening linger prominently in the memories of all those who were involved in any way, and even of those who were not but lived here at the time. And the stories pass from generation to generation so that even those not yet born in 1973 know of it.


'The number of people who died was awful. But more than taking life away from individuals, the disaster changed the lives forever of the people injured, relatives and friends who are left to carry on with the saddest of memories. 


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'The lives irrevocably changed, or cut tragically short on that day, should never be allowed to be forgotten, and I pledge on behalf of the Council that this memorial will be maintained to provide a focus for our remembrance.'


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