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 For the 2024-25 Municipal Year, the holder of the office is Councillor Mrs Natalie Byron-Teare.


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Councillor Byron was first elected to the Council in 2016, re-elected to Douglas Central in 2021. Having served as Deputy Mayoress from 2019 to 2022, serving as Deputy Mayor for 2023/23, and Mayor for the 2023/24. Councillor Byron will serve a second successive term as Mayor of Douglas for the Municipal Year 2024/25.


The Mayor will be supported by her Deputy Mayor Mr Councillor Peter Washington, with her husband Andy supporting as Consort, and Mrs Kristina Washington as Deputy Mayoress.


Serving as Mayor’s Chaplain for a second successive term will be Reverend Monsignor John Devine, Dean of the Catholic Church in the Isle of Man.


The Mayor intends to continue with the community engagement theme, working with local schools and supporting charities, as well as raising awareness about the role of the Council and the Mayor.


The three charities selected for her 2024-25 Mayoral term are: Naseem’s Manx Brain Tumour Charity, The Manx Housing Trust and Samaritans Isle of Man.


Last modified on Thursday, 09 May 2024 08:57