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Housing and Cashiers' counter


You can find us at the Housing and cashiers' counter entered from the left-hand entrance of the town hall, (the entrance with the ramp). The counter is open between 11am and 2.30pm Monday to Thursday and 9:30am to 2:30pm on Fridays . Housing officers are available to meet with social housing tenants outside of these hours. To make an appointment call 696435 or email


What we do


The housing service provides affordable public sector housing to those on a limited income. There are strict qualifying criteria that applicants must meet. This information can be found here.


Once you are allocated a property you will be issued with a fixed-term tenancy of five years. Throughout the term of your tenancy you will have a direct contact with your estate officer and maintenance works will be carried out inside your home by the Council.


All services carried out by the Council are undertaken within our regulations and guidelines, details of which are set out in your tenant's handbook and through this website.


Our housing stock


The Council's housing stock extends to more than 2,300 properties. For details, click here.


Corporate housing objectives


    • To ensure the Council is fair and transparent in allocating the tenancy of properties and that all applications are dealt with in a professional manner;


    • To provide the best possible service to tenants within available finance and to minimise the turnaround time of empty properties;


    • To extend the life of each property through proactive maintenance and to improve the standards of maintenance of Douglas Borough Council properties through the use of planned maintenance schemes;


    • To work in association and co-operation with the Department of Infrastructure to set housing policies and plan forward capital projects which are in the best interests of the Council to reduce the waiting list;


    • To work within the policies and financial parameters set by the Council’s budget and the Isle of Man Government.

Strategic housing objectives


    • For 100% of the Council’s housing stock to be centrally heated, double glazed and insulated;


    • To maintain a rent collection of 99% of amounts outstanding during the year by 31st March each year;


    • Review tenant liaison services and their implication on the Council’s resources and structures;


The housing committee is the body responsible for managing the Council’s housing stock.



Last modified on Tuesday, 21 May 2024 14:58