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Service provides opportunity to 'celebrate the tenure of the new Mayor of Douglas'.

New unit features a ‘living roof’ of sedum and artwork on its sea-facing wall detailing wartime civilian internment.

Royal visit to the TT.

Fun day from 1 to 5pm and entry is free. 

The Mayor meets members of Burrows Engineering racing team.

Council adds to street cleansing fleet

Tuesday, 05 June 2018 10:52

Vehicles will provide additional capacity for street cleansing operations.

2018-2019 mayoral charity appeal launched

Wednesday, 30 May 2018 10:58

Mayor and Mayioress pledge to support three 'very deserving' causes.

Mayor 'bowled over' by open day

Wednesday, 30 May 2018 10:37

The Mayor and Mayoress attend Finch Hill Bowling and Snooker Club's open day.