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Council marks National Democracy Week

Thursday, 05 July 2018 13:17

His Worship the Mayor hosted an open afternoon on Tuesday July 3 marking National Democray Week, which provided an opportunity for visitors to the town hall to learn more about the democratic process,  in partlcular the Council's role and landmark events in Manx parliamentary democracy.


AQuayle DSC3012 MediumThe Mayor and Councillor Ritchie McNicholl with Richard Quayle, centre



AEwan DSC3004 MediumCouncil Leader Councillor David Christian, right and Councillor John Skinner with, centre, Manx Radio's Ewan Gawne



AWells DSC3026 MediumCouncillor Claire Wells and Stephanie Kelsey


AWoodrow DSC3035 MediumCouncillor Ritchie McNicholl and Chris Woodrow


AParlour DSC3039 MediumThe Mayor with Stephanie Kelsey and Councillor Debbie Pitts


The afternoon also provided the opportunity for His Worship to welcome Elaine Edge (pictured, right, below in front of the Celtic Cross) to the town hall, creator, together with schoolchildren from across the Island, of an eight by four feet mosaic Celtic Cross produced at a 'take part in art' session during Tynwald Day, 2014. The design is inspired by the work of celebrated local artist Archibald Knox.


AEdge DSC3050 MediumThe Mayor and Mayoress with Elaine Edge