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Douglas went a brighter shade of pink on Friday May 2nd when the 2014 Douglas Bra Dash was started by the Mayor of Douglas Councillor Carol Malarkey JP. 


LineUpDSC3664MediumThe Mayor and Mayoress with Linsey Simpson, Gill Evans and Nicy Couceiro


Street DSC3725Medium



Marks DSC3735Medium


Jackie DSC3763MediumThe Mayor and Mayoress with Jackie 'Jackpot' Turley


Super DSC3700Medium


Trio DSC3757MediumRace winner Adam Boyd with the Mayor and Mayoress


Hat DSC3680MediumMartina Sibos, Amber Cooke and Val Crone, all from Lloyds


Alex DSC3767MediumThe Mayor and Mayoress with Peter Reid and Best Child Dasher Alex Denning 

 Peter DSC3687Medium'Bra-vo' to Peter Reid Lloyds Bank island director