The 2017-2018 mayoral charity appeal has raised £23,706.
The total was revealed by Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Debbie Pitts JP, at a reception for representatives of her chosen charities and other local good causes she and the Mayoress, Mrs Linda Curphey, supported throughout her year in office.
She praised her Mayoress, fundraising committee, family, friends and supporters for their hard work in helping the appeal to exceed her target and applauded the work of local charities working hard to make a difference to people’s lives.
Her nominated charities for the 2017-2018 municipal year, Rebecca House and Dot’s Dream Foundation, each received £10,000.
Other causes to benefit were the Manx Diabetic Group which received £350 towards the funding of Libre Sensor glucose monitoring kits and St George’s Church, Her Worship’s family place of worship, which also received £350.
£275 went to Naseem’s Manx Brain Tumour Charity and Manx Decaf, the latter inspired by Her Worship's understanding of those who had been affected by dementia.
The appeal also funded, for the Manx Deaf Society, the purchase of a Phonak Roger Pen, a wireless microphone designed to help people with hearing loss understand more speech in loud-noise and long-distance conditions.
Two Douglas residential care homes, the Ellan Vannin Home and Sunnydale, received £255 each, in recognition of the warmth of welcome both had provided to the Mayor and Mayoress who had become involved in the homes’ activities, notably at Christmas.
Relay For Life Isle of Man Survivors and Cancer Research UK each received £260, the Mayor and many of her family members having been touched by cancer. Her Worship added that her sister, Nicola Walkingshaw, a cancer survivor, had been selected as one of only 17 Relay For Life Global Heroes for Hope by the American Cancer Society and would now serve as a Relay For Life ambassador.