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Mane event: Mayor recognises Council's Lions team's Race the Sun achievements

Wednesday, 24 August 2016 15:14

His Worship the Mayor Councillor John Skinner JP hosted a reception for members and supporters of Douglas Borough Council’s Lions team who took part in the Race the Sun challenge on May 21 in aid of The Children’s Centre’s Mobex (mobile experience) project.


ALionBars DSC0884 MediumRaising the (Lion) bar: The Mayor and Mayoress with Will Costain, Chris Pycroft, Geoff Bolt, Kevin Costain, Andy Crook, Jamie Crook, Lawrence Bright, Danielle Atkinson, Christina Cullen, Diane Motley, Lucy Kinrade and Jon Ward


The challenge tasks teams to complete a clockwise lap of the 98-mile Raad ny Foillan coastal footpath between sunrise and sunset starting and finishing in Peel, with each team member selecting one stage of the course to finish.


The Lions team members from the Council were ICT technician Lawrence Bright, (Port Grenaugh); electrician Will Costain (Chapel Bay); assistant democratic services officer Christina Cullen, (Laxey); transport and plant administrator Diane Motley, (Niarbyl); and tractor driver Jon Ward, (Summerland). The team was completed by Kevin Costain, (The Cronk); Jamie Crook, (Point of Ayre); Phil Ellis, (Bradda Head car park); Lucy Kinrade (Maughold); and Keith Lowe, (Peel). Support team members were democratic services officer Danielle Atkinson, director of finance Geoff Bolt, senior engineering and waste services manager Andy Crook and assistant chief officer (regeneration) Chris Pycroft.


All were presented with a Lion chocolate bar by His Worship in recognition of their efforts.


Youngest member was Jamie Crook, 16 and fastest female on the Maughold stage was Lucy Kinrade.


Christina Cullen also recently completed a half marathon in Ramsey and raised £170 for Craig’s Heartstrong Foundation.


The Lions came fifth out of 24 teams that completed the route with an overall time of 14 hours, 35 minutes and 29 seconds and raised £602 for The Children’s Centre.