Douglas Borough Council is to introduce a six-month trial of free lamppost advertising for election candidates.
The trial, which will begin on Monday August 1, will permit candidates to erect posters to lighting columns in the Borough for a three-week period: two weeks before the date of any election to the Council or the House of Keys and one week after.
Terms and conditions will apply, including a requirement for candidates to give two weeks’ notice before the three-week election period; erect posters of A2 size (42cm x 59.4cm) only; and for the posters and cable ties be removed no later than one week after completion of the election. Candidates will also be required to lodge a deposit of £200 with the Council, which will be returned two weeks after the election minus any costs incurred.
Environmental Services Committee Chairman Councillor Ritchie McNicholl said: ‘The Council has deliberated at length over this decision and has determined that offering candidates the opportunity to erect posters on lighting columns for free could serve as a means to alert the public to those who are seeking election and might also create a sense of anticipation ahead of polling day.’
Council Leader Councillor David Christian MBE JP said: ‘The Council sees free lamppost advertising for election candidates as an effective way to give those who are standing a voice. It is also a positive step towards the Council playing its part in engaging the electorate in the democratic process and encouraging more people to exercise their right to vote, not least in the General Election on September 22, given the challenges the next administration will be facing.’
All enquiries should be directed to the Electrical Services Manager, 696300.