Personal information
In order to register and receive or use many of the services on our website, you will be required to submit some personal information, such as your name, your postcode and email address.
We have a legal duty to ensure that our processes are fair and that we keep your personal data safe and secure, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2002. We do not share your personal information with anybody else without your knowledge, unless we are required by law to do so. An example of this is the Electoral Register, which, by law, must be available to the public.
We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as it is needed for the service you have requested, and remove it in the event that the purpose has been met, or, in the case of an online information service such as email alerts, you no longer wish to continue to receive the service.
Under 18 years
If you are under 18, please get your parent/guardian's permission before you provide personal information to our website.
Further developments
We are continuing to develop the functionality of our website and its capacity to deliver personalised services. We may, from time to time alert you to new developments or send you details of other services that may be of interest to you. You will always have the option to opt out of receiving these proactive communications at any stage.