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Fireworks display Friday November 2.

Noble’s Park now home to Free Little Library inviting readers to ‘take a book, share a book and exchange a book’.

School presented with a £100 book voucher from Henry Bloom Noble Library.

Heritage open days hailed a success

Sunday, 14 October 2018 15:11

More than 200 visitors pass through the town hall's doors over the two days.

2019-2020 financial year to see budgetary pressures 'mounting'

With effect from April 1, 2019 anyone residing outside the Borough of Douglas will have access to all library’s services for no membership charge.

Mystery written by best-selling and award-winning author Ann Cleves, 

Mayor and Mayoress visit Housing Matters

Tuesday, 09 October 2018 14:44

Mayor and Mayoress meet the Housing Matters team.