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HBNL hosts 'awesome' evening

Saturday, 14 October 2017 15:45

Local performiing arts group 'Short Stories and Ludicrous Tales' (pictured below with borough librarian Jan Macartney extreme left) hosted an evening of 'Short Tales of Wow and Awesomeness' at the Henry Bloom Noble Library as part of the library's support of Libraries Week, which ran from October 9 to 14. 


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A reception for St Ninian's Mothers' Union members at the town hall.

A mayoral welcome to Manx Gateway Drama Club

Saturday, 14 October 2017 15:33

Drama club members take centre stage in the chamber.

'Hairs' to Madam Mayor!

Remembrance Sunday service

Thursday, 12 October 2017 14:22

Service to be held Sunday November 12.

5th Douglas Scouts meet the Mayor

Sunday, 08 October 2017 17:06

Scout pack pack the chamber.

Councillors of tomorrow gather at Douglas town hall.

Henry Bloom Noble Library celebrating Libraries Week October 9  to 14.