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Fun in the sun at Noble's Park fun day

Saturday, 04 August 2018 17:09

More than 5000 enjoy the fun day, including the Mayor and Mayoress.

Council placed memorial in Kaye Memorial Garden 'to enable everyone to see that those whose lives were tragically cut short are remembered'.



Visitors from US hail Isle of Man 'magical'.

Mayor to preside over short ceremony in Kaye Memorial Garden on Thursday August 2 at 7pm.

Temporary closure of Summerhill Glen

Tuesday, 24 July 2018 12:49

Glen closed for footpath resurfacing.

Carnival congratulations

Saturday, 21 July 2018 16:58

Mayor host prize presentations for Douglas carnival entrants.

'Special delivery' at the town hall

Saturday, 21 July 2018 16:48

Reception for retired Isle of Man postmen.

Mayor and Mayoress meet Hospice Isle of Man chief executive.